helping you connect with the wisdom of your body so you can live your best life


I am here to help you uncover your truth beneath the stories you’ve learned to tell yourself about who you are.

“At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are, and you know what you want.” – Lao Tzu

(I’m too…. needy, anxious, difficult, depressed, reactive, sensitive, angry, stuck. — My best isn’t good enough. — I have to please everyone. – It’s not safe to trust. –No matter what I do, I can’t win. — I feel like I’m always on the outside, looking in…)

This is an invitation to attend to these stories in new ways, to understand and embrace your unique nature, to uncover and tap into your intuitive abilities to resolve what has seemed unresolvable, and to live with a greater sense of resilience.

About Me

I believe the greatest change and most complete healing occurs when all parts of us are heard and attended to. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and am a certified EMDR Therapist through EMDRIA.

Ready to begin?

Good Faith Estimate

Beginning January 1, 2022, federal laws regulating client care have been updated to include the “No Surprises” Act. This Act requires health care practitioners to provide current and potential clients a “Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) on the cost of treatment.

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